The Hope that can change one`s World
Hope consists of a man finding his spirit and seeing the potentiality that lies within it
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Your Gift will support our Brothers and Sisters

Become Volunteer

We need more Volunteers to transform more lifes.

Materials - Education Set

We will provide the Education Sets here.

Register Events

Register here for the upcoming events.

What We Do


Volunteer/Mentor/Spiritual Advisors Services


Taleem open call classes-Islamic Studies-New Reverts Classes -Quran /Tajweed Classes


Eid Celebration-Food donations-Eid visits-Jumah sermons.


Library Projects


Female Prison Ministry


Shahadah & Reading Certificates-Contests

Give Now

Materials-Education set/worship set

WPP is a volunteer platform supports incarcerated individuals and their families.

WPP is DBA of Good Tree Foundation and  aims to support Muslim inmates and their families by recruiting volunteers to conduct classes, taleem services providing the needed religious literatures materials for the inmates.

“O two friends of the prison! Are many different lords (gods) better or Allah, the One, the Irresistible?  (12:39)


Join Us At The Office and In The Field.

Every person has a story, be in this life changing story.

Become a volunteer

We Can Transform Lives Together
Join The wisepath